Why I make art… Maria Sophia

Why I make art… Maria Sophia

I want to share with you an experience I was so privileged to have had recently. It’s a little story about why I make art…

I’ve met a beautiful angel and kind soul; Maria Sophia, also living in The Netherlands. Her psychologist saw my work at the exhibition November last year and made a photo of my work “Spinning trauma into gold.

Spinning trauma into gold

She had send the picture to her client Maria Sophia, who instantly wanted to connect with me. The picture touched her deep in the heart and soul, because she really is that girl in the picture! Surrounded by historic elements, Delft’s Blue ceramics which she also collects and…..herself spinning behind the spinning wheel.

Maria Sophia suffered a lot of trauma in her life. She can clear her head by spinning whool and makes beautiful handmade fashion out of it. So she literally spins her traumatic thoughts into something beautiful.

I’ve painted this work because I wanted to express my need to see the good things I’ve learned by processing my own history. Not knowing this work could really turn my experiences into gold, by making a healing connection with Maria Sophia.

Guido and Maria Sophia

I’ve made a very high quality print and gilded the gold elements with 24 carat gold leaves, and gifted her this piece framed. I felt the importance to give her story; her feelings, the right ‘weight’ and ‘worth’ by gilding it. The gold can be a shining, guiding light; she definitely deserves.

Maria Sophia

Thank you Maria Sophia, for meeting you. I admire your strength and resilience! Thanks for making me more aware of why I make art: it’s the connection and recognizability it possible evokes.

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